Asset Performance Management

Detect issues earlier to improve reliability, decrease costs, and increase uptime
APM Resolve (mock up)
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Increase Equipment and Plant Uptime

Increase Equipment and Plant Uptime

Identify and quantify operational risks when they first emerge for proactive action. Address equipment reliability issues before they turn into costly failures and downtime.

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Increase Visibility Into Reliability Savings

Every issue is quantified with an economic impact, giving the entire team awareness of the savings. Recoup a quantifiable, rapid return on investment (ROI) in a matter of months after initial deployment.

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Improve Operational Efficiency

Identify and quantify performance deviations when they first emerge allowing for optimal usage of power, water, chemicals, and fuel.


Prioritize Maintenance by Condition

Assess and quantify your maintenance activities by economic impact. Apply condition-based techniques to bolster your current scheduled maintenance and long-term maintenance planning programs.

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Maintain Safe Working Environment

Asset failures can be dangerous. Proper plant operations ensures that your workforce remains safe on the job.

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Maintain Operational Working Knowledge

Aging workforce and workforce turnover challenges great organizations. Past issue resolution is easily recalled supporting better decision-making.

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