How Atlantic LNG Uses Live Barrier Models to Manage Risk

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In order to effectively manage process safety and operational risk, a facility must have a comprehensive understanding of its inherent risks and potential emergent concerns that may arise during its lifecycle. An ineffective barrier leaves one susceptible to the escalation of threats from inherent hazards. How do you manage that emergent risk?

Atlantic LNG Company, one of the world’s largest producers of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), has developed and implemented a live barrier model to manage its operational risk, contributing to its sustainability and reliability in LNG production.

Join us for this on-demand webinar, where Natalia Phillip, Process Safety Engineer at Atlantic LNG Company, will share their journey to implementation, as well as:

  • Key steps to developing a live barrier model
  • How to use live barrier models to manage risk
  • The critical benefits of a live barrier health model
  • Key lessons learned from the journey to implementation


  • Natalia Phillip, Process Safety Engineer, Atlantic LNG
  • Nicholas Breedlove, Senior Solutions Engineer, Prometheus Group