Optimizing Your Safety and Permitting Practices: Insights from a Global Chemical Manufacturing Company 

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Most organizations that need permits still use manual permitting processes. These manual processes can lead to decreased efficiency, increased potential for errors, and low visibility into permitting history. To address these issues, improve safety, and increase uptime, organizations must have full visibility and control of their permitting to maintain consistency throughout the process. 

As a global leader in specialty chemical, Kuraray produces a wide range of fibers and resins. Kuraray is committed to developing new fields of business using pioneering technology that improves the environment and enhances the quality of life throughout the world for people and the planet. 

By working with the Prometheus Electronic Permit Administration System (ePAS), Kuraray leveraged key digital functionality along with permitting and safety best practices to significantly boost efficiency, reduce delays, and ensure a safer work environment. 


  • Kuraray needed a solution to significant business challenges related to paper permitting.
  • Kuraray customized ePAS to fit the company’s business processes— not the other way around.
  • ePAS front-end capabilities increase efficiency and compliance.
  • Kuraray leveraged the benefits of ePAS’s electronic permitting to improve its LOTO workflows.