Mobile for Everyone with The Prometheus Platform | Recording

Mobile For Everyone Webinar Screenshot

Everyone has a mobile device these days, but not everyone has mobility when it comes to execution of their work and getting the information needed to do their job effectively. Some departments or users do, while others are left with paper processes, disconnected systems and information, and poor communication, leaving those without to ask, why not us? 

In this webinar we'll review the six user groups that can benefit from mobility with the Prometheus Platform, including plant maintenance, operations and production, health and safety, and shutdown and turnaround teams. Following that, we'll take a deeper dive demonstrating plant maintenance, operator rounds, and inventory management mobile use cases and functionality and the benefits that can be gained by enabling those users with mobility. 

Is mobility only a dream or partial reality at your organization? View the webinar to see how the Prometheus Platform can connect and enable your asset management teams with intuitive and flexible mobile solutions.