3 Ways to Optimize Pharmaceutical Manufacturing | Recording

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Maintaining a competitive edge is crucial in pharmaceutical manufacturing—but what’s the key to achieving operational excellence?  

Equipment availability issues and production downtime can significantly disrupt schedules, delay drug delivery, and result in lost revenue. However, proactive maintenance can avoid these supply chain problems.  

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to unlock efficiency gains in your supply chain, including: 

  • Common Planning and Scheduling Pitfalls: Learn to recognize and overcome stumbling blocks in maintenance planning and scheduling processes. 
  • How to Build the Business Case for Investment: Understand why investing in maintenance planning and scheduling is essential, including the financial impact of unplanned downtime and how to mitigate risks. 
  • The Importance of Master Data: Discover why master data is the foundation for successful maintenance planning and scheduling. 


  • Bailey Brandel, Functional Consultant, Prometheus Group 
  • Carson Snyder, Functional Consultant, Prometheus Group