Safety Software: Technologies, Analysis, and Strategies | Recording

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Many manufacturers are still grappling with manual, error-prone permitting processes. This outdated approach not only hampers efficiency but also poses compliance risks and offers limited visibility into permitting history.  

In this webinar with MRO Magazine, discover how to optimize your permitting and safety workflows, enabling you to standardize processes and digitize documentation for increased accuracy and traceability, integrate permitting seamlessly with maintenance operations for enhanced productivity, and implement a centralized permit tracking system for real-time monitoring and compliance. 

What you will learn from this webinar: 

  • How to transform your safety and permitting processes into a competitive advantage  
  • Best practices to revolutionize your permitting and safety approach  
  • How to unlock cost savings, mitigate risks, and drive operational excellence 

Meet the Expert: 

  • Nick Breedlove, Senior Solutions Engineer, Prometheus Group