Realizing Digital Transformation With Mobile Operations and Plant Maintenance  

Webinar: December 12, 2023 at 10:00 AM EST |  3:00 PM GMT

Do you have manual and time-consuming processes for performing operator rounds, submitting notifications in the field, and executing work orders? Do you record information on paper and then input it into SAP later?  

Prometheus Mobility enables you to streamline operator rounds and plant maintenance activities. Mobility’s easy-to-use interface allows you to create, update, and submit notifications and work orders from the field, as well as record work order execution and complete inspections and routes in areas without internet connectivity.  

In our webinar, we will discuss:   

  • Gaps in the maintenance and operations processes   
  • Benefits of aligning maintenance and operations   
  • Keys to going mobile and adapting processes for successful adoption   
  • How mobile enhances safety, efficiency, and cost savings   
  • How Prometheus Mobility can support a variety of functions and processes   

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!   

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